Preserving lives and helping cities thrive by reducing and preventing urban violence.
Peace in Our Cities is a unique global platform working to:
Amplify policymaker awareness of the genuine scope and scale of urban violence and opportunities available to help cities address it.
Advance evidence-informed policy solutions and peacebuilding approaches to reduce the most severe forms of violence in urban contexts.
Accompany city leaders, community partners, and civil society through peer-exchanges and information access to realize ambitious targets for violence reduction.
Our Cities
We are a diverse network driven by our members’ need to address severe forms of violence. We partner together around the world to achieve one bold, unifying goal: halving urban violence in cities by 2030.
How We Work
The solutions and approaches to significantly reduce severe violence already exist. Cities—central to achieving such a reduction—need access to this information, support for implementation tailored to local contexts, and a means to share what they know.
Find more publications, commentary, and analysis on our resources page.
Become a Member
Interested in becoming a member?
Join the dozens of local governments, civil society organizations, and international partners around the globe networking to reduce and prevent urban violence.